Havens Discussion Questions
1. “God is in the wardrobe.” #narnia Describe your favorite outfit – why do you love it? What does it say about you?
2. What’s the difference between “not being racist” and being “anti-racist?” What are some practical ways to be “anti-oppression”?
3. Read John 3:22-30. What were John’s disciples worried about? How does John’s response to them reflect the values of God’s kingdom?
4. Do you feel “complete joy” at the idea of being surpassed? Why or why not?
5. Movie Church Activation: The Charlotte Challenge. In Charlotte’s Web, the author says the “moment of triumph” for Charlotte was when she was in the barn dying, but she could hear the applause for Wilbur in the arena. What is one thing you can do to triumph like this? In other words, how can you “die” so that someone else gets the applause?